
We know that sourcing the right suppliers can make or break your event. That's why we take the process very seriously.

Here’s how we help you source for your perfect program:

Our internal account team has dozens of years of combined experience and has performed thousands of events. We tap into this network for recommendations of our favorite local, national, and global suppliers to ensure that your event is in the best possible hands.
We are constantly attending industry shows and network events, scouring the web, and receiving referrals to find vendors that meet our impeccable FUSION standards. We thoroughly vet each supplier for quality and reliability.
Then, based on your vision and requirements, our team sources and evaluates potential venues to meet your needs.
After managing the initial supplier and venue outreach, we navigate the various engagement processes to get the ball rolling on your behalf, obtaining pricing, availability, minimums, concessions, and more.
Once our team carefully reviews each supplier proposal, we will extract all the important details to provide you with an executive summary that meets your budget requirements, including our recommendations, to make your decision-making easy.

We showcase this executive summary in a knockout presentation, leaving you blown away by the fantastic options we've uncovered that meet or exceed your expectations and will make you a hero to your constituents.

For the next step in the event cycle, see our ON-SITE EVENT EXECUTION page


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